Stanley Matthew Mitruk
January 22, 1922 – December 10, 2006
Portrait of a Mid Century Chicago Artist
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Excerpt from the book “Stanley Mitruk, Portrait of a Mid-Century Chicago Artist” by Jeffrey Cobb:
Stanley led an interesting life. He taught art at Jane Adams Hull House, studied art with the fabulous Julio De Deigo, was introduced to Queen Elizabeth II because she liked his work, #246 on display (during her Chicago visit in 1959) at the Art Institute of Chicago, AND he was THE long time assistant to Mrs. Katherine Kuh, who was the first official curator, and champion for acceptance of Modern Painting and Sculpture, at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Stanley Matthew Mitruk was an American artist who worked in the Modernist style. He worked in the Chicago area during the 1940s, 50’s and 60’s. Here Stanley displays two of his paintings (#’s 82 & 53) January 2, 1955.